Meet Dr. Cortney

I didn’t discover naturopathic medicine until I was mid-application cycle to allopathic medical schools. I was working at an endocrinology clinic  as a medical assistant at the time and felt like something was missing after every patient encounter. I realized through working in a traditional medical setting that I wanted to practice differently than how the current system was set up. I wanted to spend more time with patients, to help educate them on their chronic concerns, and to encourage the natural healing ability our bodies already contained. It was through this that I found naturopathic medicine and realized that this was my path to helping others. 

 A little about me: 

I received a Bachelors of Arts in International Relations from the University of Arkansas and completed my Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University, holding my naturopathic medical license in the state of California. 

While I found naturopathic medicine during my time in the traditional medical setting, I am no stranger to feeling like my concerns are not being heard by medical professionals. After dealing with my own health concerns and being dismissed by traditional medicine, I know how important it is to feel seen by your healthcare provider and also have someone in your corner advocating for your health. This is what motivated me to encourage and empower others when it comes to their health. 

When I’m not working, you can find me reading, spending time with friends and family, or teaching dance! Dance was one of my first passions and I am so lucky to still have it in my life.